
Showing posts from December, 2022

The Year of No Resolutions

Motor cross biker at the Alameda County Fair in July 2022. As I mentioned in my prior post, I have a longstanding habit of writing New Year's resolutions each year (no later than the first business day of January) and then in December, reviewing those resolutions to see how I fared. I went looking for last year's resolutions, and much to my surprise, found that I had started a post and never published it. In fact, I didn't even write any resolutions down! The post was titled "Intentions" so I must have been drifting away from the idea of "resolutions" toward a practice that is more about my hopes and, well, intentions. I even wrote about that decision in my 2020 review . In any case, it turns out to have been a pretty good idea to not write anything down because if I had, I might have been constrained in what I could achieve. I did achieve a lot this year. I published a book and several articles. I started teaching a class at Berkeley Law. I traveled a l

End of the Year Cultural Round-Up

 While my day-to-day blogging practice is entirely aspirational, I am good at the annual review each December and making my New Year's resolutions on the first business day of each new year.  I've got a lot to cover. This has been an excellent year for me. I traveled to Toronto, Berlin, Venice, Sicily, and Palm Springs. My dream of getting a beach house came true. My kids and marriage are all healthy and strong. I connected with a lot of old friends and deepened my friendships with many others as well.  I also read many books and watched a decent amount of TV and movies. Here's a list of the books I finished: Real Estate, Deborah Levy (memoir) Wild Seed, Octavia Butler (scifi/fantasy) The Silence of the Girls, Pat Barker (historical fiction) The Ministry for the Future, Kim Stanley Robinson (hard science fiction) Please Kill Me, Legs McNeil and Gillian McCain (oral history of punk) Hollywood Bowl, Mikel Jollett (memoir) The Killing Moon, NK Jemison (scifi/fantasy) The Argon